Korean food, while not as famous worldwide as neighbouring cuisines like Chinese, Japanese and Thai, is still an incredibly diverse and seriously tasty cuisine. During the three and a half years we spent living in Korea, we learned that food plays an important part in...
Every country has things that make it unique, its own culture, language, customs and food, among others. Wedding traditions are just another thing that differs hugely from country to country and if you are invited to a wedding when you’re travelling, it should be a no...
Pepero Day in South Korea is celebrated every year on 11/11 (November 11th), as the date represents four Pepero sticks. It’s a bizarre celebration but one which the young people and loved up couples across the nation fully get behind. Pepero Day In...
Wake up on time, get a taxi, get on the bus to the airport, get on the flight to Kathmandu, sounds pretty straight forward! After being out until 4:30 am, having ‘one or two’ goodbye drinks, we managed to sleep through two alarms and our friends trying to...